Academic qualifications
Nutritionist (0034N)
Degree in Nutrition Sciences – Faculty of Nutrition Sciences, University of Porto (FCNAUP) (1991)
Post-graduation in Epidemiology and Biostatistics – Erasmus University Medical School, Rotterdam (1998)
PhD in Human Nutrition (Nutritional Epidemiology of stroke) – FCNAUP (2002)
PACES TEAM Course – Advanced Program for Clinical Councils of Health Center Clusters – National Institute of Administration, IP (2010)
Professional qualifications:
Superior Advisor of Nutrition (career of Higher Health Technicians) in Health Center Group Porto Ocidental, Northern Regional Health Administration, Portuguese Ministry of Health, where she develops activities of Clinical Nutrition, Community Nutrition and Public Health and Post-graduate Training of Health Professionals in the field of Nutrition
Specialist in the career of Higher Health Technicians (title awarded by the Ministry of Health)
Specialist in Community Nutrition and Public Health (title awarded by the Order of Nutritionists)
Invited Assistant Professor at the University Institute of Health Sciences – CESPU, Portugal; member of the Nutrition Sciences Degree Course Committee and director of the Nutrition and Diet Therapy I and II Curricular Units
Other activities:
At the invitation of the General Directorate of Health, Portuguese Ministry of Health:
- Joined the Panel of Experts Evaluation of National Policies in the area of Healthy Food Promotion
- Joined the Expert Panel Update of the Portuguese Nutrition Catalog
- Participated in the elaboration of the Integrated Care Process of Pre-obesity in Adults, edited by the Department of Quality in Health of the General Directorate of Health, giving contributions, validating and performing content review
Has integrated Professional Qualification Tests Juries for access to the profession of dietitian/nutritionist, participating as evaluator of evidence of deontological knowledge and probationary report evidence
Joined the Selection Boards of the career of Higher Technicians of Health – Branch of Nutrition
Has integrated juries of Baschelor, Master and Doctoral Tests
Has supervised Internships of Specialty of the career of Technicians of Superior Health – Branch of Nutrition, Post-graduates of Bsc in Sciences of Nutrition, Academics of students of the Bsc in Sciences of the Nutrition
Coordinated the Community Nutrition Specialty Committee of the Portuguese Association of Nutritionists (2011-2016)
Trainer in several Post-graduate Courses, namely LLL (Life Long Learning) Courses implemented by the Portuguese Association of Nutritionists (APN) in the area of Nutritional Intervention in Care Teams, Diabetes, Obesity, Nutrition in Life Cycle
Scholarships and Prizes:
Researcher in charge of 2 Projects (265/2001 and 212/98) awarded by the Health Care Research Promotion Commission of the Portuguese Ministry of Health.
He was awarded 2 Fellowships by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in 1998 and in 1996 and Doctoral Fellowship by the Foundation for Science and Technology (BD/ 3194/ 94) in 1994
Research activities:
– Researcher in charge of the project:
- “Effectiveness of Nutritional Therapy for Diabetes in Primary Health Care”
- “Nutritional Risk in Older People in the area of influence of the Aldoar Health Centre”
- “Antioxidant Nutrition and Risk of Ischemic Stroke” (PhD Thesis)
- “Diet and other risk factors for ischemic stroke: evaluation of cohabitant information”
- “Dietary habits and myths of adolescents: athletes and non-athletes”
- “Dietary habits, antioxidant status, lipid profile, lipid peroxide index and risk of ischemic stroke”
- “Evaluation of the body composition of athletes, belonging to various age groups and practicing physical activities where the displacement of their weight was predominantly horizontal or vertical”
- “Effect of food fat content on the anatomical distribution of fat in obese female subjects: anthropometric and bioelectrical impedance study” (Bachelor’s Thesis)
- “Dietary habits, antioxidant status, lipid profile, lipid per- Participated in the Epicardis – PRAXIS 2/2.1/SAU/1332/95 Project, community-based epidemiological study, organized by the Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology of the Faculty of Medicine of Porto to assess eating habits and other cardiovascular risk factors
– Researcher of the project:
- epidemiological study, subsidized by the Ministry of Health and led by the Unit of Endocrinology of the Hospital de S. João which aimed to track cases of goiter, obesity, diabetes and dyslipidemia in the region of Lousada
- collaborated in a study carried out at the Endocrinology Unit of the Hospital de S. João and Faculty of Medicine of Porto on body composition evaluation in acromegalic patients with a view to determining changes induced by growth hormone, including plasma and erythrocyte volume as risk factors for cardio-cerebrovascular diseases
President and Conference Moderator and participated as a Speaker at about 100 national and international congresses
Publications in nutritional epidemiology, stroke and metabolic diseases area (
Scientific Reviewer for:
- Acta Portuguesa de Nutrição – scientific and professional Journal, owned by Associação Portuguesa dos Nutricionistas – APN (Portuguese Association of Nutritionists)
- Revsalus- International Scientific Journal of the Academic Network of Health Sciences of Lusophony – RACS