Different publishing norms should be followed according to the type of article:
1. Original articles
Full papers will normally present no more than 12 pages (including the text, references, figures and tables and excluding the title page). The articles must be written in Arial font, size 12, 1.5 line spacing, normal margins, and with the indication of the line number in the lateral margin.
The original research article must present the following structure:
1º Title; 2º Abstract; 3º Keywords; 4ºIntroduction; 5º Aim (s); 6º Materials and Methods;
7º Results; 8º Discussion; 9º Conclusions; – 10º Acknowledgments (optional); 11º References; 12º Figure, tables and respective legends.
1.º Title
The article title should be as brief and as explicit as possible, not exceeding 15 words. It must not include abbreviations and should be presented in English and in Portuguese.
2.º Abstract
The text should start with a structured abstract not exceeding 300 words: Background; Material and Methods, Results, Conclusions. It must be presented in English and Portuguese.
3.º Keywords
Provide a list with up to six keywords of the article. It must be presented in English and Portuguese.
4.º Introduction
The introduction should include the previous knowledge about the topic being researched and the reasons for the investigation.
Abbreviations should be indicated in parenthesis in the text the first time they are used.
The units should be expressed as SI units.
References should be placed throughout the text in Arabic numerals within parenthesis.
5.º Aim (s)
They should be clear and concise. The remaining text should answer them.
6.º Material and Methods
The methodology must be explicit and explain the techniques, methods and practices used. It also must describe all the materials, people and animals used and the time reference in which the study/investigation and statistical analysis (when applicable) were carried out. The methods used must be accompanied by the corresponding references.
When reporting experiments on human subjects it is necessary to indicate the use of Informed Consent and approval of the investigation project by an Ethics Committee. Authors also should indicate that the experiments where standards accordingly to Helsinki Declaration.
When reporting experiments on animals, it is necessary to indicate the care used for the treatment of them.
7.º Results
The results should be presented in a clear and didactic way for easy perception.
The figures and tables should be referred, indicating their name and Arabic number between parentheses. Example: (Figure 1)
It should not be exceeded a limit of 8 representations in total figures, graphs and tables.
8.º Discussion
It is intended to present a discussion of the results obtained, comparing them with previous studies and related references indicated in the text by Arabic numbers in parenthesis. The discussion should also include the principal advantages and limitations of the study and its implications.
9.º Conclusions
The major conclusions of the study should be presented. Statements and conclusions not based in the results obtained should be avoided.
10.º Acknowledgements
These are optional.
If there are conflicts of interest on behalf of any of the authors, they should be declared in this section. The source of funding for the study, if any, should also be mentioned.
11.º References
References should be numbered by order of entry in the text and indicated between parentheses.
The citation of an article should respect the following order:
Author(s) name(s). Title. Year of publication; Volume: pages
Example: Rodrigues S, Franchini B, Graça P, de Almeida MDV. A New Food Guide for the Portuguese Population. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 2006; 38: 189 -195
For the citation of other references (book, book chapter, online reports…), please consult the international guidelines of biomedical journals at www.icmje.org.
Only published papers should be cited (including those “in press”). The citation of personal communications and abstracts should be avoided.
12.º Figures, tables and respective legends
The reference of figures and tables should be indicated throughout the text in Arabic numbers in parentheses. These illustrations should be placed after the bibliographic references, on separate pages, and the order in which they should be inserted must be the same in which they are referenced throughout the text.
The titles of the tables should be placed above them and referred with Arabic numbers (example: Table 1). The legend should appear under each figure and referred with Arabic numbers (example: Figure 1).
Graphics and legends should be written in Arial font, size not less than 8.
2. Review articles
Full papers will normally present no more than 14 pages (including the text, references, figures and tables and excluding the title page). The articles must be written in Arial font, size 12, 1.5 line spacing, normal margins, and with the indication of the line number in the lateral margin.
If the article is a systematic review it should follow the requirements specified above for the original articles. If the article has no systematic character it must be structured according to the following order:
1º Title; 2º Abstract; 3º Keywords; 4º Introduction; 5º Methodology; 6º Main Text; 7º Critical Analysis; 8º Acknowledgments (optional); 9º References; 10º Figure, tables and respective legends.
The points in common with the guidelines mentioned above for original articles should follow the same indications.
5.º Methodology
The bibliography collection methodology for the writing of the narrative review should be presented, indicating the search platforms consulted, the descriptors used and the time period corresponding to the search.
6.º Main text
Should preferentially include subtitles for better understanding of the various aspects of the subjects addressed.
7.º Critical analysis
It should include a critical view by the author(s) on the various aspects addressed.
3. Clinical Cases
Full papers will normally present no more than 10 pages (including text, references and figures, graphs and tables and excluding the title page). The articles must be written in Arial font, size 12, 1.5 line spacing, normal margins, and with the indication of the line number in the lateral margin.
It is considered a clinical case an article that describes a detailed and reasoned manner a case whose publication is justified in view of its complexity, diagnosis, rarity, evolution or type of differential treatment.
Clinical cases must present the following structure:
1º Title; 2º Abstract; 3º Keywords; 4º Main text; 5º Clinical Case Description; 6º Critical Analysis 7º Conclusions; 8º Acknowledgments (optional); 9º References; 10º Figure, tables and respective legends.
The points in common with the guidelines mentioned above for original articles should follow the same indications.
5.º Clinical Case Description
It must be explicit and explanatory of all aspects characterizing the clinical case, based on actual cases, but without direct reference to the submitted individual. Just merely exemplary or vague data should be indicated (ex .: individual A).
4. Articles of professional nature
Full papers will normally present no more than 10 pages (including the text, references, figures and tables and excluding the title page). The articles must be written in Arial font, size 12, 1.5 line spacing, normal margins, and with the indication of the line number in the lateral margin.
This category includes articles that address one approach or opinion on a particular subject, technique, methodology or activity carried out within the professional practice of Nutritionists.
Articles of professional nature must be structured following the order of the original articles or of the review articles, using the basic typology intended by the authors, using the description previously presented.
Upon reception all manuscripts are numbered. The number of the manuscript is then communicated to the authors and it identifies the manuscript in the communication between the authors and the journal. The manuscripts (anonymous) will be examined by the Editorial Board and by the Scientific Board of the Journal, as well as by two elements of a group of reviewers designated by the Boards. Following the arbitration, the manuscripts may be accepted without changes, rejected or accepted after the authors correct the changes proposed by the reviewers. In this case, the proposed changes are sent to the authors and they have a deadline to make them. The rejection of a manuscript will be based on two negative opinions emitted by two independent reviewers. In the presence of a negative and a positive opinion, the decision of the manuscript publication or rejection will be assumed by the Editor of the Journal. Upon acceptance of the manuscript for publication, proof review should be made within a maximum of three days, where only spelling errors can be corrected. The article will contain the submission date and the date of the approval of the manuscript for publication.
Guidelines for publication